About Us

Established since 1995, Quantum Solutions is an innovative, progressive company dedicated to developing cutting-edge solutions that are simple, fast and effective.

Although we are solution focused, we aim to make use of the best document processing and management technologies available on the market today. As a result, our solutions are focused around OpenText TeleForm, RightFax and LiquidOffice and Electric Paper’s EvaSys Suite.

We provide direct solutions to common problems that companies experience when managing daily delivery, receipt and storage of documents. Our expertise ensures faster and more efficient service to your clients and in turn an increase in productivity and better returns.

As part of our range of services, we are sole distributors for the EvaSys Survey Automation Suite from Electric Paper. EvaSys is an Enterprise Feedback Management solution for the mass collection of surveys, such as course evaluations in educational and corporate organisations or patient surveys in healthcare.

Our development and integration team, are able to customize applications and solutions based on specific requirements, in order to address the information handling needs of any organization.

Continually keeping up with the latest trends within the market and constantly search for better ways to improve our service, ensure that our products are regularly updated, therefore keeping us ahead and increasing our clients’ competitive advantage.

Should you require any additional information on electronic document delivery, document management and life cycle control, automated forms and document capture, structured or unstructured, or higher education or corporate evaluation automation, please do not hesitate to contact us.